Finding My Way To Moose...

A friend of mine is looking for a horse and it is making me think of the journey that lead me to Moose.
Moose. Show name - Easily A'Moosed

For a year I had been riding a pretty amazing mare. In fact I adored her. She had so many quirks, so many little mareish things in her personality, but I adored her. Most days with this mare were spent wondering “What will happen today?” she had a temper, she had sass, but she also became my friend.
When I first met her she was almost impossible to catch, completely rude and actually would try her best to step on me. LOL

It’s not that this mare came from a bad place, in fact the opposite, she was just that way. Always testing her boundaries and sometimes because she was scary, she could win.

Together though we worked our kinks out and after a few months we started having fun.

When I went to the field she would canter up the hill to see me - Any horse owner would know the feeling of getting a horse that seemed to not care about humans, to bond to you to the point where she actively ran up to greet me  - It was probably one of the best feelings i’ll ever feel.

In the end she was a loan and I couldn't afford to buy her, so I had to move on and find my own horse.

For a while I was a little closed off. I had no idea what I was looking for. I just knew it had to be dead broke, safe, sound, a been there- done that type.

After all, i’m an anxious rider...right? Or was this the story I was telling myself.

Also, I wanted a horse I could bond with and have for a long time. I wasn't up for buying and having to sell quickly.
It had been too hard to walk away from the mare. I wanted another family member.

I knew I wanted to continue with my dressage and hopefully find something I could compete on.


My coach, her dog Ivy and I set out driving the LENGTH AND BREADTH of Ontario - at least it felt that way!

To put it mildly, I saw lots of horses, either in person or a video. Either they were lame, looked sore or just didn't suit, I honestly felt a little worried I wouldn't find the horse for me.
I even offered on a STUNNING OTTB Gelding - He was insanely handsome. But he failed the PPE (Pre Purchase Exam)

MUM MOMENT - NAGGING TIME STARTS NOW…. In my opinion PPE’s are something if you're buying, you should never pass on. It saved me from buying a horse so lame he probably could do no more than hack out walking, let alone dressage or cross country.  NAG OVER xx

So we set out looking again.

A friend of mine, told me about a place where she got her Andalusian mare from and put me in touch. They had 2 horses.

I was sent a picture of a Clyde x Thoroughbred and a picture of a Bay gelding.

My coach, her dog Ivy and I bundled in the car, got the prerequisite coffee drive-thru and made our way there.
It was a hot day. Hard to recall now as I sit in my kitchen, hugging a coffee, wearing my slippers AND socks as an Ice storm happens outside - but it gets HOT here.


Anyway, It was a hot day. We turned up at this small farm, horses in fields, dogs, people - all the usual.

They brought the paint gelding out. He was beautiful. He was called Max, and he seemed like everything I asked for.

He was polite, broke western but he moved nicely.
My coach loved him - I liked him. But something was missing. Can't explain it. I met him and knew he wasn't my horse.

I asked about the bay I had seen in pictured and the owner said ‘Well, he's not broke. I haven't even sat on him yet, so I don't know what he's like.”

I don’t know why, but I requested to see him. Silly really, I wanted a dead broke, safe, sound, been there done that type - right?

I was stood in the barn when he came around the corner. ALL I SAW WAS HIS FACE and I KNEW he was my horse.

My stomach flipped and I felt excited.
When I saw all of him, I was in love.

This handsome, scruffy looking bay gelding with HUGE feet and long gangly legs looked at me and I was done for.

His eyes …
His colour…
Did he just smile at me?.... Yes, yes, I believe he did!

BUT My mind was telling me what I was feeling was dumb. I argued with my gut. “He’s not broke, silly. You CAN’T buy this guy…”

We saw him move on the lunge line, and he was a beautiful mover.

But I let my sensible side win and I walked away…

I probably irritated everyone I knew with my “Should I? No - I shouldn't…. BUT He’s so wonderful… NO! I shouldn't buy a baby that hasn’t been sat on, ever...should I?... but he was sooooo cute… “

UGH Why none of my friends and hubby didn’t punch me in the mouth, I don’t know - This went on for two weeks LOL…
I saw other horses, Even a great horse - a curly - but I couldn’t stop thinking about the bay.

In the end I couldn't deny it, I wanted the bay.
We went back, they put a saddle on him to see how he reacted - HE DIDN’T flinch. My coach even sat on him very briefly to see his reactions - he barely twitched an ear.

SO I got a vet out to perform a PPE

He failed

On flexion on his right front ankle.

I walked away again.

I hummed and ahhe’d. I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

So, I went back to see him again.
CRAZY, I know.

That afternoon, I bought my horse.
That FACE though...

Since I have owned him and we have had his feet trimmed properly and regularly, he has not put a lame foot down. *I’m touching wood as I type*

I am not saying you should buy a lame horse. This is Just mine and Moose’s story.

I am crazy and I had a gut feeling. I went with it. And I am SO pleased I did.

I would love to hear you and your horses ‘Connection’ stories.  I can’t be the only one who did something like this.

I set out looking for a safe, sane, sound, been there done that type.

And bought a young, un-sound, un-broke, hasn’t been there - hasn’t done that either - type…


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